
Wednesday, May 18, 2011


As I neared home a fire engine zoomed past. I was a bit anxious so I followed the fire engine. I was sprinting so my eye sight was a bit blurry. The fire engine was just a tiny red blob at the end of the street.The trees around me were a blur of lime green with a bit of chocolate brown at the bottom and the houses around me were like a colourful rainbow as I ran past each one of them. When I got where the fire engine parked, I saw smoke and fire coming through an open window. Then I looked at the people standing by the letter box. I gasped ''Siera your house is on fire!''(Siera is my school friend.) Siera answered back ''I should have given mother the matches. Now I am in big trouble!'' Siera's big sister also said,  "Dad should have put out his cigarette too!'' She told me the whole story. Then she added, ''Mum should not have started the barbeque ...'' Her voice trailed off because Sieras mum (called Tracey) had started to cry.  Siera's sister (Susan) gasped as she was the first person to realise why Tracey was crying.  Susan called out to one of the firefighters and started having a conversation (Susan always has conversations).  "Whats the matter?" I asked.  "We all forgot about our baby brother," Siera answered.(He's called Jackson). Susan said "Conversation done and problem solved".  But the fire fighters said, "Not easily done, we forgot our breathing gear..."  (Keep visiting our blog for what happens next!)                                     A story by E.W


Anonymous said...

wow great story. cb Rm20

Anonymous said...

Exciting story E.W!
Can't wait to read the rest!

Anonymous said...

wonder what happens next

Anonymous said...

very interesting story! can't wait to read what happen next from DA RM # 20

Anonymous said...

WOW!!!!!ERIKA!!!AMAZING STORY!!!Can't wait to find out what happens next!V.S