
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Newborn Baby Kiwi Came To Life.

One rainy day,  I Kayzin went in to a forest and  I saw  a cute mother kiwi and her new born cute little baby. I took them back to my house.  When we got back to my house I gave them grass and kiwi food.  Then I got 3 cages to put the kiwis inThe colour was RED, that is a nice colour.   We  all had so much fun together but I had to take them home because they belong in the forest.  I was very sad but the next day we went to the forest where I found the kiwis.   It was so much fun to see them again. It was just like it when  they came to stay with me for a little while.                                                                                        By A.L.B

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow A.L.B you are a cood story writer a.l.b your the best cousin when you come to see me you can write me a story about me. LOVE YOU BEST COUSIN EVER J.P.B.P.V.P.K.P.T.P.JJ.P.K.P.S.P AND FAMILY.