
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Our 111 Experience!

This morning the whole school gathered outside on the field to watch the Eagle Police 1 helicopter land.  This was to start our new inquiry about occupations and leisure. An occupation is what we do for a living and leisure is what we do for fun and relaxation.  The helicopter blades spun like a tornado when the helicopter landed and the trees were swished and swayed while the leaves scattered everywhere.  We were extremely excited so we clapped and cheered.

Then the policeman stepped out.  It was like watching Neil Armstrong take his first step onto the moon.  Mr T walked over to the policeman and shook his hand.  After that, all the students gathered in the hall to listen to the policeman talk about his job.  The policeman showed us all the protective and special gear that they use when they are pursuing a criminal.  Next, the students were allowed to ask curious questions.  Then we all went back onto the field to say goodbye.  Some lucky students got s closer look before the helicopter left.

Immediately after, the middle school syndicate met in the hall  and were surprised to see a crew of brave firefighters waiting to talk to us about fire safety.  The fire crew had to leave during the session to attend to a real fire.  Finally, we got to practise getting down, low and out of a fire while yelling, "Fire, Fire, Fire!"  At lunchtime students got to jump into and sit in a firetruck.

It was an exciting experience and we are looking forward to learning more about occupations and leisure.

By Room 23.


Anonymous said...

i thought that was cool as well.

Anonymous said...

It has lots of detail! E.W. and room 23

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

what an exciting day l.c

Anonymous said...

that must be an experience!!!!!