
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Fantastic All Blacks Winning The Rugby World Cup

On sunday the 23rd of October it was the final of the Rugby World Cup 2011.The All Blacks were versing France.I was so excited and nervous at the same time.When they started playing I thought that we would win.In the first half Aaron Croudon bent his knee back and he couldn,t walk, but I was still so impressed because we were winning.I am so proud of the ALL BLACKS. Thank you guys for winning the Rugby World Cup 2011!


Monday, October 31, 2011

My Poor Cat Went Missing!!!

My cat went missing and I haven't seen it for ages. He is a ginger and white persion,extremely fluffy and incredibly cute. His name is Jasper. Almost everyone just adores him because of his unique hazel eyes,his amazingly soft furry coat and his cute little meow and jingle he makes with his lime green collar and his cherry red name tag.

I feel indescribable sadness along with my family. He has not been neutered so he might have kittens with another cat(if he did they would still be incredibly adorable).He is very adventurous and loves to play hide and seek in the bushes especially if it's the evening or night. He might be locked up in a garage or house so if you live in Howick please check if he's there.

He was born at 11/11/10 and is nearly one year old. If you have cat allergies and he's in your house I would recommend you get someone else who doesn't have cat allergies to take him to us. Please call Mrs S. Naidoo at Botany Downs Primary School if you find him.

Here is a picture of him:

Monday, September 5, 2011

My Monarch Butterfly!

On the 9th of August 2011 after school, my dad, my sister and I went to pick up my dad's car opposite Meadowland's Shopping Plaza. I was walking near the water of the reserve, when I saw a butterfly stuck in the grass because it had a broken wing. I picked it up and thankfully  it didn't struggle . So I went through the tunnel and came up to Barfoot and Thompson. I put her down near there and we went to get my dad's car.We then went to Medowland's Shopping Plaza to get an ice cream, I had cookies and cream and my sister had chocolate. My dad got a flat white coffee. After that I begged my dad to go back for the butterfly.  I was so relieved when he drove back to the place I put the butterfly(near Barfoot and Thompson.)I tried looking everywhere but she was nowhere to be seen!!! I glanced round and then saw an orange and black fluttering thing underneath a cluster of grass.  I pushed away some grass and found the butterfly shivering in the freezing cold!!! I scooped it up in my warm toasty hands.We went in the small silver cloudy coloured car. But when I shut the car door it struggled to fly and dropped out of my hands and crawled onto my Dad's seat belt.Once we got home my sister rushed to get the butterfly cage. She went to get the butterfly some flowers for the cage.When she came to me I placed the butterfly in the cage.She seemed to like it there.After a good deal of thinking for a name,we chose Lucky because she was so lucky to now have a little place for me and my sister to look after her.While my sister went inside with the butterfly I went to fetch some oranges from our orange tree. When I came back I cut up some apples and the oranges, then put the fruits in with the butterfly. It crawled over to an orange slice and sucked on it. My butterfly has the happiest life!!!!!

Here is some butterfly information:

1. If the wings are broken they do not grow back but they can be repaired (to do this go to: http://www.livemonarch.com/ )
2. Danaus Pleippus is the scientific name for the monarch butterfly.
3. The monarch is one of the longest migrating creatures on Earth.
4. Beginning in August over 200 million Eastern monarchs(those living from the Rockies to the Atlantic ocean) migrate from their summer feeding and mating grounds in Mexico,where they spend the winter before returning to the United States in late febury and March to begin the cycle of live again.

5. In all the Monarchs will travel over 3,000 miles as a group over several generations each year. While one monarch will not make the 3,000 mile trip, it will do its part to eat milkweed, mate and continue the cycle its children, great grand children and great great grand children will ultimaly finish.The monarch knows instinctively where to go and how to get there.  

By.... E.B        

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Newborn Baby Kiwi Came To Life.

One rainy day,  I Kayzin went in to a forest and  I saw  a cute mother kiwi and her new born cute little baby. I took them back to my house.  When we got back to my house I gave them grass and kiwi food.  Then I got 3 cages to put the kiwis inThe colour was RED, that is a nice colour.   We  all had so much fun together but I had to take them home because they belong in the forest.  I was very sad but the next day we went to the forest where I found the kiwis.   It was so much fun to see them again. It was just like it when  they came to stay with me for a little while.                                                                                        By A.L.B

Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Marble That Came To Life!!!

On a  Spooky  Halloween  night  when  everyone one  was asleep even the dressed up  children that went  trick or treating  where  asleep, I the great marble peeped out to see if  Kali was
asleep. She was fast asleep tucked up under her nice and cozy woolly blanket,  snoring her head off.  On
the floor there were colouring-in books, reading books,maths books,crayons and pencils it was a mess. Suddenly  the door opened. It was Kali going out to get a nice cold drink of water.  When Kali came back she was astonished because I was not there lying on her bed.She looked everywhere but I was still nowhere  to be seen. Finally she found  me in a tight  corner. She was amazed at how I could fit in such a tight corner. Then I felt nice warm hands pick me up from the gloomy dark and cold  corner.  Kali put me into her bed and tucked me in the blanket. Three hours later, it was midnight and the lime coloured trees were swaying from side to side.  I woke up starstruck as I had just had  a very bad nightmare.  A couple of minuets later I  calmed down and I went back to sleep again.   ZZZZ!!                                               By K.D.

Monday, July 4, 2011

The Life of a Millionaire

I was lying by my pool with friends walking around. It was a blast.  Then my friend said, "We're under attack."  I jumped up, drank the last of my lemonade and ran out of my mansion.We went to my second mansion where we stayed for six weeks.  But, the next day we were under attack again.  The aliens of  Doctor Iron-eye were flying around trying to blow up my mansion. We ran to the private jet and zoomed away. Just then Matt the pilot said, "We're safe."  I felt better now that we had escaped. My friends were on the plane too.  I then found out that I had won money from the Mayor for helping save the city many times.  As we were fiying away I saw Doctor Iron Eye waving angrily from the ground.  He looked like a raging rhino and I was glad I wasn't down there!                                                                                 By E.F.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Fire Art

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BY, V.S, E.M, J.J, J.P, A.L.B, A.Y, C.S, R.K AND E.F

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Fire!!! Fire!!!...continued

We stared at the dark blue paint peeling off the big house with a burnt black roof . Right at that moment Siera started singing a sad fire song. It went like this: "la-la fire is in my home!''She shrieked with fright when suddenly a loud stomping noise filled the street. Then I realized it was the fire fighter's feet.I suddenly had an idea .''I know! The fire fighters could run to the nearest fire station and borrow the breathing gear and run back. How about that!'' I explained. ''Good idea!'' said one of the fire fighters. They ran off . When they came back their faces were purple! First they rescued baby Jackson. Next they put the fire out. Last they returned the breathing gear . Then they called the ambulance to check Jackson out . Siera and her family thanked them a lot and me of course! Tracey said'' Would you guys like to stay for tea?'' ''No thank you . We better get back to the fire station.'' said the fire fighters. 3 weeks later...I visited Siera's family. Siera boasted ''I am going to love this new house because it is going to have a staircase.'' Soon we were happily chatting about tomorrow's play date at my house. The End  Written by E.W.  and illustrated by E.M


At Botany Downs School, our motto is, Our  BEST  Always.
B stands  for  belief: 

 E stands for excellent:

S stands for skills:


T stands for thoughtfulness.
THOUGHTFULNESS IS :             


"We  are on  the  right track  when  we  are thoughtful!"  

Posted by R.L.


A Winter Wonderland

Winter is the coldest time of the year, so get ready for thrilling chills, warm heaters and fluffy blankets.The good things about winter is you get delicious hot chocolate and crummy cookies.
It is also the time to go ice skating on a big pond!

Here are some things that the class likes about winter,A.M likes the warm heaters,E.B likes the spectacular snow,K.D likes to get warm hot chocolate and scrumptious biscuit's.

So, Winter is one big season of cold happiness and celebration. You should better stay in a cosy warm house with a SAFE heater tucked in a blanket on a cosy coach with a  warm brownie otherwise you will probably get a cold.

By S.S. I hope you enjoyed my article!  


Our 111 Experience!

This morning the whole school gathered outside on the field to watch the Eagle Police 1 helicopter land.  This was to start our new inquiry about occupations and leisure. An occupation is what we do for a living and leisure is what we do for fun and relaxation.  The helicopter blades spun like a tornado when the helicopter landed and the trees were swished and swayed while the leaves scattered everywhere.  We were extremely excited so we clapped and cheered.

Then the policeman stepped out.  It was like watching Neil Armstrong take his first step onto the moon.  Mr T walked over to the policeman and shook his hand.  After that, all the students gathered in the hall to listen to the policeman talk about his job.  The policeman showed us all the protective and special gear that they use when they are pursuing a criminal.  Next, the students were allowed to ask curious questions.  Then we all went back onto the field to say goodbye.  Some lucky students got s closer look before the helicopter left.

Immediately after, the middle school syndicate met in the hall  and were surprised to see a crew of brave firefighters waiting to talk to us about fire safety.  The fire crew had to leave during the session to attend to a real fire.  Finally, we got to practise getting down, low and out of a fire while yelling, "Fire, Fire, Fire!"  At lunchtime students got to jump into and sit in a firetruck.

It was an exciting experience and we are looking forward to learning more about occupations and leisure.

By Room 23.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


As I neared home a fire engine zoomed past. I was a bit anxious so I followed the fire engine. I was sprinting so my eye sight was a bit blurry. The fire engine was just a tiny red blob at the end of the street.The trees around me were a blur of lime green with a bit of chocolate brown at the bottom and the houses around me were like a colourful rainbow as I ran past each one of them. When I got where the fire engine parked, I saw smoke and fire coming through an open window. Then I looked at the people standing by the letter box. I gasped ''Siera your house is on fire!''(Siera is my school friend.) Siera answered back ''I should have given mother the matches. Now I am in big trouble!'' Siera's big sister also said,  "Dad should have put out his cigarette too!'' She told me the whole story. Then she added, ''Mum should not have started the barbeque ...'' Her voice trailed off because Sieras mum (called Tracey) had started to cry.  Siera's sister (Susan) gasped as she was the first person to realise why Tracey was crying.  Susan called out to one of the firefighters and started having a conversation (Susan always has conversations).  "Whats the matter?" I asked.  "We all forgot about our baby brother," Siera answered.(He's called Jackson). Susan said "Conversation done and problem solved".  But the fire fighters said, "Not easily done, we forgot our breathing gear..."  (Keep visiting our blog for what happens next!)                                     A story by E.W

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

I Was In A FIRE!!!!!!

In the afternoon I had a nice cup of Milo and then I drew 50 pictures and put them outside by the gate.After I put my pictures by the gate and went inside I saw a very weird knife on the streetlight.The streetlight was so weak that it fell down.Suddenly my nose began to twitch at the smell of suspicious burning flames coming from my family's gate surrounding my house.The fire came closer and closer like a bomb string.My cats ran in the house faster than they have ran in their whole life.I ran as fast as I could to the sink with a bucket.I filled the bucket and ran to the fire and tipped the bucket on the fire.It did not have any effect on it the fire as it was way too big.I went looking for my family in the house and when I found them I warned them  and said there is a fire!!! Get out of the house not out in the garden that's where the fire is coming from.As we ran outside we called 111.                                                                                  STORY MADE BY A.J.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Cyber Safety

My homework task was to create a sandwich board about safety .I  chose Internet safety because strangers  might be able to find you if you give out personal information.  Children should always be supervised be an adult when using the internet as there are lots of information on there that is not suitable for children. By AM

Watch Your Step!

My homework task was to create a sandwich board about safety.  I chose tripping over because it happpens very often and injuries can be quite bad.  Here are a few safety tips: Don't run when you see this sign. Be very careful when you are going up or down stairs.  I hope you take my advice and like my work!!!  By SD

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Put Poisons Up High

My homework is about poisons.  If you have children you have to put all your poison in your highest place that you have or lock in a cupboard.  If poison touches their skin by accident they will burn themselves and will need to see a doctor.  By JP and CS

I Turned Around and Nobody Was There!!!

One fine day I was walking along a path in the park. I was just going from school back home. The sun was shining on my face and the cool breeze was flowing across my body. My ears were hearing the rustling leaves speaking to me, while the roses sweet fragrant smell drifted up to my nose.

 As I was walking through a tree tunnel everything got darker and darker until it looked like midnight!Suddenly I saw something very faint move. I heard quiet footsteps drawing closer and closer, then I felt something touch me. Then a small whisper said ''Don't turn around.''  I got quite scared and ran and ran. I saw a flickering light around the corner and followed it and it took me back in the sunlight. I kept on walking and I heard a small giggle and turned around but no one was there.

 I looked behind a rosebush and  found that Scarlet, Madeline, Tally and Mrs N was hiding there! ''Suprise!!!'' They all shouted. "We wanted you to come this way so we had to lead you here." All afternoon  we played and played till it was dinnertime.

The End

A story by S.S             Please leave a comment Thanks! Bye!!!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Slippery Floors

For my homework task I had to make a sandwich board about safety.  I chose slippery floors.  Always look out for warning signs to keep yourself safe.  Be careful around slippery floors or you could fall over and hurt yourself.  I think my board is bold and will catch people's attention and I hope you like my effective sign!  By D.L

Monday, March 21, 2011

Rm 23's Recipe for a Great Summer Holiday!

The Best Summer Holiday!

Delicious barbeque - CC
Yummy chicken nibbles - CS
spectacular campsite - EB
Lovely friends - AM
Wonderful family - DL
Glorious sleepovers - EW
Beautiful beaches - VS
Cool chocolate cake - ALB
Precious presents - DL
Luxurious hotel - SS
Glorious games - KD
Dinner dates - EF
Awesome horseriding - CS

First write down the things you would like to do.  Mix luxurious hotels and dinner dates together.  Next, have a glorious barbeque with your wonderful family.  Then add lovely friends and fabulous sleepovers.  Pour fantastics games and camping into a bowl of grass.  Add awesome horseriding on beautiful beaches.  Thereafter, add super surfing to beautiful beaches.  Last, but not least give your family and friends some precious presents.  That's the recipe for the Best Summer Holiday Ever!

By Room 23

Sunday, March 20, 2011

S.S's Vincent Van Gogh

I hope you enjoy my art work.  I chose this style because it looks a lot like a painting by Vincent Van Gogh.  I love his artwork, especially Starry night.  I use the following website, Befunky.com to create it.  
Please comment thank you.Bye!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Diorama for Greedy Gus the Pirate

Greedy Gus was a pirate who loved food and treasure.  When he and his crew stole treasure they would take it to a cave in a secret island.  One day some animals had a meeting and while the pirates were hiding their treasure the animals sneaked  out and cut the rope attached to the ship.  The ship sailed away and the pirates were stranded on the island.  This taught them a lesson.                                                                                             
Have a look at the diorama made by JJ to show the pirate ship and Greedy Gus in the sea.   

By A.J, J.J and E.M.